FIRST, before pics. i just found longtime friend tedo3000's blog/suckspace/website. so if you have a sense of humor and hate hipsters as much as us, check him out, just ignore the big glasses. they help him read "smart people" books.
so, what i plan to try and do with most of my mindless scribble is to make function and art together. so in further study of the process i brought the dewey weber pig down to mexico with me. it's a fat girl single fin, and i took out the fin that i got with it and brought the fin off of my "one for skip" canvas/driftwood/resin peice. i inserted the fin upon landing in mexico, had a fuckin good 9 days, returned home, and placed the fin back into the picture on the wall.
the experement worked well and i was able to birth some big ideas i have for this winter. it's just so god damned cold...
more to come , alas.
I like the art. I'll keep checking in, looking forward to more.
ohhhhhh boyyyyyyyy look who's got a big bad blog!
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